Kids and Covid-19-MIS-C: Valérie’s testimony
translated by Citizen4Science editorial team, courtesy from French NGO Familles des enfants victimes du PIMS COVID (Facebook group here) – original text in French at the bottom of this article.
Good evening,
My 10-year- old daughter Savannah has also been diagnosed with MIS-C.
Positive asymptomatic on December 2, 2021 along with her symptomatic, 12-year-old brother.
On December 29th, she is having a sore throat with fever.
On the 30th, I call a doctor on duty, no worries, acetaminophen.
On the 31st, large lymph nodes in her neck, pain in her neck, and still fever. My husband takes her to the pediatric emergency room in Arras. He comes out with a diagnosis: viral angina, acetaminophen.
On the 2nd, her condition worsens again, I call a doctor on duty, I drive her while supporting her because she lost her balance and she is delirious at times.
Diagnosis: angina. Antibiotics, acetaminophen and ibuprofen alternated to control fever.
In the evening: vomiting.
On the 3rd, still fever, vomiting and diarrhea; she sleeps almost continuously.
On the 4th morning, she can’t walk anymore. I dial 18 (Emergency), they send a private ambulance, the ambulance drivers can’t take her blood pressure, they don’t understand. We are taken to the pediatric emergency room in Lens.
The blood pressure is 6, blood test and scanner.
Results are not good.
In the afternoon, kidney ultrasound.
She has acute renal failure. The results of the heart scan are not reassuring either. Around 5 pm, the pediatrician comes to see us to tell us that our daughter is going to be transferred by the SAMU (Emergency medical team) to Lille University hospital centre.
We arrive in Lille, the shock trauma unit is waiting for us, blood pressure is 5, pulse is running… I have to answer some questions and I am told that we are going to head quickly toward the ICU.
One hour later, we can enter her room and the doctor asks us what we know about the situation.
Not much in fact, except for the renal failure.
Then, very calmly, he tells us about the MIS-C, unknown to us.
She HAS renal failure, myocarditis, encephalitis. He tries to reassure us and explains about the treatment.
On the 6th, she is a little better, her heart is recovering and her renal function is returning.
On the 7th pm, we are transferred to the Heart-Lung Institute in Lille. There we learn from an MRI that our daughter has suffered 5 ischemic strokes.
The days go by ups and downs.
High dose corticoids for 5 days to treat the encephalitis.
We went back home yesterday the 15th with oral corticosteroids, 60 mg per day and salt free diet for one month, then neurological re-evaluation in one month and cardio-check next Monday.
I have to point out that each time I had to a medical visit, I made it clear that she had Covid early December.
Now we are going to stimulate her every day at her own pace, hoping that she will have as little neurological damage as possible.
Thank you for your attention and alert those around you specifically. This crap is harmful to children.
Texte original

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